Nearing the end

Christina Mathew
2 min readAug 22, 2021


This week was spent making a quantity survey for two different projects as the clients wanted to receive the costings. These quantity surveys were different from the others that have been completed as it was a bigger space and hence required more detail.

The first space was a massive office and it had everything from different kinds of custom-made elements to different types of lighting.

Quantity survey 1

The challenging part about this was definitely losing my place when adding up all the different areas. This is something I will definitely need to keep working on.

The second quantity survey was a bit more simple as it was just for the bathrooms for another office project. It still was a bit challenging as the space had a lot of columns and etc so getting the approximate area was a slow but enjoyable process.

Male And Female Washroom QS

Midweek I and the other intern got to go for a site visit for the first project as she needed few dimensions and I assisted her so it was interesting to see what the before looked like even though it was just for a brief moment.

Although I do make a few silly mistakes here and there, I feel like by now there's been significant progress in how I write up these surveys compared to how I made them in the beginning. I’d like to end this week off with a quote,

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
Albert Einstein



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